Have you seen the wifejak meme floating around on X?
Here’s some faceless nobody who wasn’t around in 2018, proclaiming a “cultural victory” (with some timely signal boost help from X):
Some faceless nobody at Langley isn’t in a position to “proclaim victory”.
Here’s another wifejak meme that made the rounds:
We’ll do two more, just to drive the point home.
And our last one from Gab CEO, Andrew Torba:
There’s far too much going on with this meme and the conversation around it, so I will give my thoughts in a distilled form.
There’s no reason to celebrate glass-eyed women with no internal monologue.
In the 2024 Election, 46% of white women voted for war on the unborn, escalation into WWIII, and open borders.
Defenders of the wifejak say that the reason for the wimpification of meme culture from 2015-2018 to now is because, “some of us grew up and became responsible family men.”
It just so happens that Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform, the X timeline perfectly signal boosts anon accounts expressing support for Israel, casting aspersions on those who question Trump or Elon Musk, and pushing inorganic cultural memes meant to push men into distraction from the essential issues facing America that are still nowhere near being resolved.
Funny how that works.
The wifejak meme represents some of the worst of white women: boring, social media addicted, soulless women who have no reckoning with the facts of the world and just want to bury their heads into domestic bliss, dragging their men in with them at times for personal convenience.
I remember a certain influencer that was razzed for showing off on social media the customized socks his wife got him as a wedding gift.
In the case of the wifejak meme, there’s a lingering nostalgia for the 1950’s (that has been programmed into people) that is tapped into to make the meme work. The 1950’s were not America’s halcyon days of extraordinary plentitude and blissful conformity in virtue. They were the aftermath of an industrial scale genocide of the German people, overseen by Eisenhower who went on to be President. The 1950’s were a time of massive arms transfer to the Middle East, massive pollution through the dumping of wartime chemical weapons into American coastal waters, the assassination of high level American patriots by Israeli terrorists, and the advent of the American Marxist cultural revolution, which was to take full flight a decade later - just to name a few.
Just because tens of millions of men could be “company men” and buy a house in the suburbs is all that’s ever depicted to us by social media does not mean:
A) it wasn’t spoils of war for Lend Lease and the collapse of the British Empire
B) Golden Gen men weren’t drunken warhawks who placed their children in front of TV’s
C) the last vestiges of pre-WWI America weren’t finally demolished and America’s enslavement was completed
The wifejak meme works because Elon Musk’s operatives and useful idiots have a retarded, Disney reading of history.
This meme has made the rounds:
The libs scream, “This is Nazi propaganda.”
This is signal boosted by X (which I speculate is an arm of the CIA, which is an arm of the Rothschild banking power).
All of these stupid memes are meant to deflect attention.
The meme isn’t Nazi propaganda. If you actually go look up Nazi propaganda, what you find is DRAMATICALLY different from all the fog of war memes that go up on X.
Women don’t belong on a pedestal.
A 2nd Trump Presidency is highly likely to rev up the economy and there will be the operatives and useful boobs who go, “See, this is more like it!” but the provenance of the power elite will continue to be the same.
I did not vote for Trump because I believe him to be wholly corrupt, as evidenced by his Cabinet appointments, and he will empower all the wrong people to “thread slide” America for the duration of his tenure.
The Tucker Carlson/Joe Rogan/Jordan Peterson limited hangout op will continue unabated.
America doesn’t need a repeat of the 1950’s.
America needs an honest conversation about topics wholly outside of the purview of the new media elite.
We have yet to have that conversation.