A lot of men, in their reaction to feminism, have circled the wagons around the subject of male hyper-sexuality.
You go against the brotherhood, as a man, if you oppose using women's bodies as masturbatory devices.
You are not to, say, draw parallels between male homosexual hyper-sexuality and heterosexual hyper-sexuality.
I have a hard time speaking on interpersonal subjects in this sociological manner that has been popularized by the Whatever and Fresh And Fit podcasts. People learn the "trad" rules for interpersonal behavior and then cudgel unsuspecting hoes with sociological lectures, always with an eye to point out the hoe's hypocrisy (HH). This serves a useful purpose in containing female hyper-sexuality and acts as a sort of reverse-Jerry Springer show. I do wonder if these style shows are an elaborate slut-banging scheme, a la Kevin Samuels, but then I don't care too much and my attention goes back to pondering the orb.
Men who rack up body counts with women do incredible harm to themselves that is nearly impossible to fully recover from by the time they're in their mid-30's. There is even damage a man takes on from simply sleeping with a woman out of wedlock, even if she goes on to be his wife. This is probably worth consideration at some later point but not the main thrust of today's article. Oh man, the hair splitting some people want you to go into so that they can feel they've proven their intellectual superiority.
You can see the harm in a man in a sort of steeliness that forms in his personality.
This is further affirmed by the domination-submission banking/social order. He transmutes this carnal knowledge into a feigned confidence. This confidence helps him to do power favors for the banking elite, nowadays in a right wing flavor, and favor is shown on him by his social circle - which becomes lower and lower quality. He cannot consider that he is minting fresh feminists in his wake. He can no longer conceive of the tenderness and innocence of two childhood sweethearts being each other's firsts on a wedding night. The only time I've ever seen this depicted in popular media was in Mel Gibson's Hacksaw Ridge.
The steeliness in the man's personality is never sincerely undone. A man may reform his behavior but the real internal, transformational work of philosophy does not happen. He simply goes, "Oh shoot, that wasn't trad. Whoops! Time to get a shield maiden. Fellow patriarchs, I am reformed!" There is no restitution for all of the misery he sowed by setting loose a bunch of feminists into various communities. This is a similar situation as the reformed e-girls who keep all their OnlyFans money. The hardness in the personality remains, only a new coat of paint has been slapped on. The man keeps his dark knowledge. He doesn’t undo it.
Behind the steeliness is a genuine prejudice against women, often informed by experience. Since we live in a post-Christian age where people strive for power and not for universal ideals, what "is" is what dominates. People sink into the mire, slather themselves in it, and say, "See, I'm right". But the sincere prejudice we hold against others, who cannot help how they were born, is the harm we do to ourselves. You don't want to confuse the programming the State puts into women with women themselves. People will reflexively blather on about "female nature" without addressing the childhood. This is how you know they're full of shit. They're just tooting their own ideology horn. They are speaking from an unexamined childhood.
What happens when these higher body count men get into relationships? What sort of dissatisfaction can take root? How are the daughters viewed? What sort of politics spring out of a high body count? What sort of indelicacies and intemperateness spring from the steely persona who went out and chased the skirts?
You're not supposed to ask these questions. You're supposed to go, "Hur dur yeah it's so cutting edge to blab about female nature when you have zero self-knowledge. Dur yeah let's just wallow in the iniquities of the age and pretend it's some great wisdom we're imparting."
"The steeliness in the man's personality is never sincerely undone. A man may reform his behavior but the real internal, transformational work of philosophy does not happen."
Ahh, very sad. I don't know what men who lived these sorts of ways are supposed to do. Genuine reform is the way to go.
Aren't the same as hoes with high body count